Capital Region Nordic Alliance Inc. (CRNA) is a recognized 501c3 Charitable not-for-profit outdoor recreation alliance, focusing on year round activities in the Nordic Sports of Biathlon, Orienteering, Snowshoeing, Cross-Country Skiing and Paralympic Nordic to the entire community, with particular attention to those individuals with special needs or disabilities
- Provide complete access to its Nordic sports for all populations, particularly those with special needs or who have disabilities, providing comprehensive education to ensure maximal health benefits to all. Groups receiving particular attention are veterans, youth, and others with any type of special need, impairment or disability
- Create a healthy and safe inclusive community environment for an active outdoor community by promoting all CRNA activities with sport specific education and mentoring by trained and certified staff.
- Foster growth of all Alliance sports by hosting combined, year-round events for the broader community.
- Collaborate with local and regional organizations to ensure CRNA sports and their events have a positive economic impact on the region, particularly in improving communities.
- Leverage existing, and develop new resources/relationships to bring its’ mission to fruition.